Today's #leadershp quote
"The key is not to prioritize what's on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities". Stephen Covey
I like this quote because it points out the importance of making sure that we are spending our energy working on the right things. Fundamental to making this possible is determining our purpose. Without a clearly defined "Why" we cannot hope to prioritize tasks because we don't really know where we are headed. Time management is more difficult today than it has ever been. We are bombarded with technology and information is available at the click of a mouse. We could all easily spend hours drifting from one shiny object to the next without ever running out of new material. If however, we have a clear understanding of our purpose and the will to achieve it, then we can focus on the actions that move the needle. It is much easier to say no to the tasks that don't contribute to our purpose. No one can possibly complete all of the potential tasks that they are faced with today. The key then is to ensure that we are spending our time on the ones that enable us to move the rock forward. If we do that each day, and continue to take massive action toward achieving our "Why" we will be able to look back with no regrets at a long list of successes
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