Today's #leadership quote
. “Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.” – Charlie Brown
When I am out on a run I make a point of smiling and saying hello to people that I pass along the way. Not only does that usually elicit a smile and a response from them but it lifts my spirits as well. Running is a lonely experience but when you smile and invite others to do the same it changes the dynamic adding a little enjoyment to the experience. It is almost impossible to have a bad time when you are smiling. If we can approach each day with a smile on our face and have the goal of leaving those we interact with a smile as well there is little that is not possible. Our mindset is the critical element that determines our success. It is impossible to be a victim if you are smiling and inevitably your smile will attract followers. In everyone's life you will encounter challenges that test you. If you look at those challenges as events that happen for you rather than to you, you can approach them with a smile. With that attitude you can change the outcome and the world. Smiles are contagious. Lets pass one on and start a revolution. You will be glad that you did. .
If you want to put a smile on your face consider engaging a coach to uplevel your business. The results will be dramatic and you will feel much better as well. To find how a coach can leave can help you smile more often, give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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