Today's #leadership quote
“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” Martin Luther King Jr
On the day after we celebrate King for his contributions I thought it appropriate to use one of his quotes which is a favorite of mine. All of us will be challenged and fail and be disappointed with the results at various times in our lives. We can choose to let those disappointments weigh us down and prevent us from moving forward. Certainly many of them are debilitating and would provide plenty of incentive to stop and leave that dream behind. On the other hand those disappointments can be viewed as stumbling blocks that give us the opportunity to learn, strengthen our mettle and continue to press forward. We must keep the dream in sight always and not lose faith. If we can find a way to continue to move forward despite the inevitable setbacks we can ultimately achieve our dreams. I am sure that King had many opportunities to quit and let go of his dreams. He chose instead to weather the storm and keep pushing forward and change the world. He played the long game and made the world a better place as a result. We all have that same choice to make. Dream big Take uncomfortable action and make a difference. Defeat is temporary Hope is eternal.
Push through your challenges and Keep your dreams alive. A coach is a great way to stay fixed on your dreams. To find out how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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