Today's #leadership quote
“I have heard their groans and sighs, and seen their tears, and I would give every drop of blood in my veins to free them”
Harriet Tubman
I chose this quote today because it demonstrates both courage and servant leadership. Harriet Tubman won her freedom from slavery but did not stop there. She organized the underground railroad and went back to save her family and others ultimately bring over 70 former slaves to freedom. never losing one person during the journey. She assisted John Brown in the raid on Harper's Ferry and during the civl war served as a nurse and a scout and spy for the Union army. Later in life she became a vocal advocate for the suffrage movement. Harriet was a great leader and demonstrated that no one is born a leader but rather they become one through the course of their life. Leadership is not a birthright or a position of authority but rather the acquisition of followers due to the courage and sacrifice demonstrated through action. Leaders serve their followers not the other way around. She showed us that anyone can become a leader. It is not easy but it is possible if you are willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others.
A coach will help you both develop and sharpen your leadership skills to facilitate your journey to becoming the best leader possible while up leveling your business. To find out how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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