Today's #leadership quote
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” ― Mother Teresa
When looking for a quote this morning, I came across this one by Mother Teresa. Each of us have an ability to make an impact on our sphere of influence. Like the pebble thrown into a still pond that impact will create ripples that ultimately impact people that we never knew or came into contact with. Each small step forward that we take can assist others in taking a step and when all those steps are added together great accomplishments can occur. There are very few great advancements that resulted from the work of only one person. Instead more often one person ignites the fire in another and then more become involved until that ripple becomes a tidal wave of momentum and the world gets impacted. Each of us should never underestimate the power that we have and the momentum that we can create with one seemingly small deed. A simple smile can brighten someone else's day and inspire them to help someone else who in gratitude donates to a charity thereby helping many others. Each of us has within us the ability to create many ripples which combined with others can change the world. The power of 1 voice can not be overestimated.
If you would like to improve your mindset and your business working with a good coach is a fantastic way to start that journey. I Give me a call at 703 445-3133 and together we can make many ripples, impact the community and change your life.
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