Today's #leadership quote
"In seeking truth you have to get both sides of a story."
Walter Cronkite
While this quote is intended to address journalism, it rings equally true in all walks of life. All too often all of us judge a situation based upon our own history and experience and form an opinion based upon those biases. Relying on our intuition and gut instinct has enabled us to make decisions more quickly and problem solve more readily. Unfortunately not every circumstance is the same therefore often our decisions are short sighted and we don't examine the entire picture. If someone cuts us off in traffic they are branded an idiot or worse yet we never know why they did so. Perhaps they were late to the birth or their child or rushing to see a sick parent. In the business world we rush to make quick decisions about systems or processes often deploring them without ever understanding why they were put in place initially. Worst of all we judge people based upon sight and heresay without giving them the benefit of the doubt. Curiosity is a wonderful trait that can help us guard against such judgements. By seeking an understanding of both points of view we become open to seeing the real truth instead of our version of it.
A good coach can open your eyes to possibilities that you may have missed by providing a fresh perspective. If you are looking to grow your business I can help you accomplish that. Reach out to me to learn how at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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