Today's #leadership quote
“In order to rise From its own ashes A phoenix First Must Burn.” -- Octavia Butler
I saw this quote yesterday and admittedly first thought about the phoenix Fawkes of Harry Potter fame. Upon reflection , however, I believe it applies to our lives as well. To reinvent ourselves and become what we are destined for we usually require a catalytic event. Often that involves failure in some manner. People who struggle with drugs and alcohol generally have to hit rock bottom before they recognize the need to join the 12 step process and dig out of the hole. If we are comfortable in our current situation there is little incentive to change and take the risks that ultimately enable us to follow our passion and unleash our greatness. Almost every great advancement is preceded by a catastrophic failure that forced the innovator to look in a different direction. Growth and advancement require courage from each of us to take risks and venture into the unknown. Taking uncomfortable action leaves us open to being ridiculed or rejected but ultimately enables us to reemerge from the ashes new and improved. Overcoming your fears and taking action despite them is the key to fulfilling your destiny.
If you need some help to take the uncomfortable action necessary to reach the potential for your business a coach is a great asset. Often a coach can envision what you are capable of before you. If you are interested in capitalizing on your potential and building the business you dreamed of give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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