Today's #leadership quote
"Until you spread your wings, you’ll have no idea how far you can fly." Napoleon Bonaparte
One of the most brilliant military tacticians of all time, Napoleon gives us something to think about with this quote. It is only through trying that we discover what we are capable of accomplishing. Often our limiting beliefs rooted in the fear of failure prevent us from taking that first critical step therefore we never get to see our true ability. It is only through overcoming that fear and leaving behind our comfort zone that we test the limits of our capabilities. Most of us have the capacity to accomplish far more than we think we can but fail to achieve because we are unwilling to take that critical first step. Having the courage to overcome your fears is at the core of all greatness. If we can only muster the courage for a brief period of time to start the endeavor we will generally find that we are far more capable than previously we thought. The world is reshaped by those who people ridicule and think foolish but persist in testing the boundaries anyway. Be courageous spread your wings and let your greatness shine
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