Today's #leadership quote
"How many things would you attempt If you knew you could not fail" Robert Frost
We all are born fearless and over time develop fears that limit our willingness to take bold action. Our brains are doing what they can to protect us as the priority is to remain safe. In many instances that predisposition toward safety is critical to our survival. More frequently however we are held back from forward progress by a limiting belief that we have developed over time. That belief could be rooted in the fear of failure or rejection to protect us from making fools of ourselves. In many cases that limiting belief has its basis in either negative self talk or something someone told us in the past that we have allowed to become "truth" over time. Overcoming self doubt becomes a really difficult task. If we tell ourselves that we are not enough we will never become what we are capable of being. Every great accomplishment is the result of people pushing themselves beyond their limits to do what they or others thought unlikely or impossible. Great athletes find another gear when others would have given up and demonstrate what is truly possible. So too can we if we are willing to push past our limiting beliefs and allow our brains to find the solution.
A good coach will enable you to get past your limiting beliefs and help you to become what you are capable of being. If you would like to find out how and take your business to new heights give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you idid.
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