Today's #leadership quote
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” – Albert Einstein
I chose this quote first because I laughed when I read it but secondly because it speaks to the greatness that is within each of us. All of us are capable of accomplishing great things. We all have genius inside of us and can make a dramatic impact on our families, our teams, the community and the world. Many of us never take the time to find our genius therefore live a life without real purpose. Others discover their genius but never pursue it due to the fact that others have negatively influenced them. Still others allow their own negative self talk to create limiting beliefs and the fear of failure to dissuade them from capitalizing on their dream. A leaders responsibility is to assist those they are entrusted with to discover their genius and then to put them in a position where they can capitalize on it. Many leaders spend inordinate amount of time trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Instead let's help people discover their greatness, gain the confidence to express it and put them in a position to use their genius to maximum benefit. Give them the space and confidence to soar
If you want to explore how to uncover your own genius or that of your team members, I can help you. Give me a call at 703 445-3133 to get the most out of your team. You will be glad that youu did.
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