“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
― Maya Angelou
I have always enjoyed recognizing others for their contributions and noteworthy acts either large or small but have struggled with accepting recognition. I believed that the good feeling that I got from knowing that I had helped others was enough and preferred to avoid any form of public recognition. I have however learned that when I refuse or shrink from the recognition of others, I deny them the good feeling that I get when I recognize others. One of the greatest benefits of gratitude is that both the giver and the receiver get the dopamine and serotonin hits that lift your mood, reduce stress and anxiety and bring happiness to your life. It is impossible to be depressed if you practice gratefulness for all that you have been given and allow others to practice gratefulness for what you have meant to them. During this season of Thanksgiving when so much has been altered by the pandemic or social injustice or an election run amok gratitude can make us whole. It isn't what we lost but rather what we have gained and if we search deeply we can find plenty to be grateful for. Lets all conduct that search daily and let gratefulness be the secret sauce to happiness.
When you are struggling or otherwise overwhelmed a coach can be a tremendous asset to take stock in how far you have progressed. To find your path to gratefulness consider working with a coach. Give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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