Today's #leadership quote
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
Dale Carnegie
Did you ever notice how fear tends to magnify itself the longer you hesitate or avoid taking action in spite of it. We are all capable of more than we imagine that we are. Over time we have allowed negative thoughts to become limiting beliefs which restrict our forward movement. So we procrastinate to avoid the fear of failure. We allow the fear to grow ultimately crippling us. If instead we face the fear when it is just forming we can progress, develop confidence and the courage to tackle the next challenge which will inevitably arise. We can create momentum by taking the first step in facing our fears. Tony Robbins has said that we should never leave the site of a decision without taking massive action. That requires courage to overcome our fears. If we create momentum by taking that first step, our fears are diminished and the likelihood of achieving our goals is dramatically increased. Put one foot in front of the other and continue to move forward. Anything is possible if we can overcome our fears and believe.
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