Daily Leadership Quote

Dec 11, 2020  -  Game On Coaching Corp.  -  Uncategorized
Today's #leadership quote
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ―Winston S. Churchill
I wanted to close out the week with my favorite quote on giving. I had the privilege earlier this year of watching a high school student who was still completing her treatment regimen for cancer give her wish to four charities that she selected for their work. How many of us would have done similar things at that age or even today. It is of course completely acceptable to receive and we should be grateful for any gifts that we do receive and recognize those who give them to us. On the other hand it is by what we give that we can make an impact and begin to change the world. We don't remember people for what they have earned and in fact are often jealous of them but we always remember the people who sacrifice to give to others and give their time and talents to help make the world a better place. During this very unusual holiday season, consider how you can do something to lighten someone else's burden. It does not have to be monetary and could be as simple as a smile or some other random act of kindness. You will lift the spirits of others and feel better about yourself as well. Perhaps you will start a chain reaction that changes the world. One small act can make a huge difference. Lets see what we can accomplish together.
If you are looking to increase your impact considering working with a coach.   A coach can not only shortcut the learning curve but also hold you accountable for taking the actions necessary to take your business to the next level.   To find out how, give me a call at 703 445-3133.  You will be glad that you did.