Today's #leadership quote
“You are never too small to make a difference.”
- Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg is a teenager from sweden who is an environmental activist and a polarizing force. Many disagree with her approach as she has been quite strident in her criticism of world leaders who are ignoring climate change. The point today however is not whether you agree or disagree with her point of view but rather the fact that she has a viewpoint and was willing to take massive uncomfortable action to make it known. One person can make a difference if they are willing to overcome the fear of rejection and move forward regardless. You can disagree with Greta's political view or her approach but you should respect her courage and resilience . Her story highlights an important principle that is often overlooked as we try to please everyone. You don't need to attract everyone to your point of view. Some will disagree and that is OK. Your argument will attract your tribe and repel those who disagree. We just need to be courageous enough to speak up and whether the inevitable storm of those who disagree. One person can make a difference if they have the courage and persistence to pursue a cause regardless of the potential recriminations.
To find your voice and gain the confidence to be heard and find your tribe consider using a coach. To discover how a coach can help you, give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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