Today's #leadership quote
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sometimes when we are in the midst of a struggle it is difficult to see beyond the immediate implications and to have a positive outlook. We can become obsessed with the trial and lose faith and lose sight of our dreams. It can at those moments when hope is almost gone become very easy to stop and give up and settle for less. It is in those moments that our character is revealed. The race does not always go to the swift but rather the persistent who keep moving forward despite getting knocked down. The challenges that we face are what sharpens our skills and helps us to develop the muscles to overcome other challenges which await. Our character is revealed in those moments when we are almost at wits end with little strength left to persevere and the fog has obscured our vision. At those times we simply need to put one foot in front of the other, continue the quest and improve a little each day. To achieve success we need the stamina to continue when others have given up. When we overcome each challenge we will be better prepared for the next one which will inevitably present itself. Stay the course The destination is worth it.
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