today's #leadership quote
Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be. - Jimmy Johnson
I selected this quote because of the lesson that it conveys. At times all of us tend to be quick to judge the behavior of others. We use our lens and our filters to determine whether they are worthy of our admiration or our scorn. The reality is that we don't understand their circumstances or the crosses that they carry. If instead of judging their intentions based upon our perception or our fleeting glimpse of their behaviors, we assume the best our outlook changes and those who we would have previously found fault with can become our comrades. I believe that everyone has a greatness that resides within them and if they are given the opportunity and the guidance to both discover and capitalize on their special skills they can shine. Rather than condemning them for what we perceive to be weaknesses, lets help them uncover their hidden attributes. In the process we too will grow. All too often have people I initially discounted surprised me and become my friends and even my teachers. If we look for and expect the best in others we will inevitably find it and be gratified by the search.
A good coach can help you discover and hone your skills to enable you to become that which you are capable of being. To find out how, give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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