Today's #leadership quote
“What you do has far greater impact that what you say.” – Stephen Covey
We have likely run into people who talk a great game but when the rubber meets the road they fail to deliver. We are "served" by politicians who demonstrate this every day by telling us what we should believe but then demonstrating through their actions that those beliefs should only apply to us. They take advantage of their privileges to achieve what they want rather than serving their constituencies. All too often we are fooled through the words of others into thinking that they have our best interests at heart. Words are important and they can be used to inspire people and gain a following. The problem that emerges however is that for most of us words can only motivate us on a short term basis. Sooner or later we will face real challenges and courageous action will be required. It is at that point that many of the so called leaders fail their constituencies and leave them adrift. Your primary responsibility as a leader is to care for those in your charge and develop future leaders. Words alone cannot do that. Great leaders inspire others through their actions not their words. They demonstrate on a daily basis that they care more about their followers than themselves
To discover how you can become the leader you always wanted to be and make the impact you desire for your family and your community give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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