Today's #leadership quote
“When you were made a leader, you weren’t given a crown, you were given the responsibility to bring out the best in others.” – Jack Welch
The importance of developing the people that a leader is entrusted with cannot be overstated. Many in positions of authority forget that their primary mission is to uncover and develop the greatness within each of their team members. When we are given leadership positions we of course assume the responsibility of accomplishing the goals which will allow the organization to grow and prosper. How we go about achieving those goals however is what ultimately determines whether we are leaders or just someone occupying a position of authority. Leaders accomplish their objectives through the continual development of the people they care for and understand they alone don't have the capacity to move the organization to where it needs to be. It is only through the development of future leaders throughout the team that the organization transforms itself and can stand the test of time. Being put in a position of authority does not make one a leader. Ultimately it is the actions one takes to better their followers and hone their leadership skills that identifies a true leader. Noone can assign you leadership you have to earn it
To become the leader you are capable of and take advantage of the greatness within you give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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