Today's #leadership quote
"You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves." Abraham Lincoln
One of the most common failings of people who are elevated to positions of leadership is to believe that they have to accomplish everything themselves to prove their merit to those who put them in the position. Hard work, courage, and character most likely helped them to become established and ultimately be granted the position of authority therefore it is quite natural to assume that following the same practices will enable them to succeed in the new role. The reality is much different. If we remember that leadership is more about serving others than it is about us we have to take a different tact. The main responsibility of a leader is to develop future leaders. If we can keep that goal in mind we can focus on improving the skill and character of those we are entrusted to serve. Long ago I heard someone say that when we fail to delegate we deny someone the opportunity to grow. In that vein the path is clear. As a leader we need to let go and focus on growing those we serve rather than trying to control and in the process elevate others
To learn how to let go and develop those who you are entrusted to serve give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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