Today's #leadership quote
‘A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you.” Joyce Meyer
Most likely everyone has heard the glass half empty or glass half full expression at one time in our life. Our perception really determines our outlook and ultimately our success in life. We are afforded the opportunity to choose how we view the glass at any point in time. We can choose to have a scarcity mentality and believe that we don't have the resources (water) that we need to achieve our goals. That viewpoint would end up with us giving up on our dreams when we hit the first inevitable bump in the road. We become the victim believing we are not enough and ultimately our beliefs become self-fulfilling. On the other hand we could develop an abundance mindset believing that we can find a way to make our dreams a reality. Instead of becoming a victim of our fears we can have the courage to overcome them and accomplish that which we envisioned. The choice is ours We can choose to let our struggles define us or we can decide that they are opportunities for growth and use them as a stepping stone for success. If we only can change our outlook we can change our lives. Attract success with positivity.
To help develop and maintain that positive mindset consider working with a coach. Surrounding yourself with positive people will improve your outlook and your results. To find out how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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