Today's #leadership quote
“Have a bias towards action – let’s see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.” – Indira Gandhi
Difficult tasks often create procrastination and get swept aside . When we are unfamiliar with how to perform a task or it looks complicated we tend to shy away from it and find reasons to avoid starting it. The fear of failure certainly plays a role in preventing taking action. If we however have the courage to take the first step we can create momentum which propels us forward. The perceived complexity of the task unravels and we discover that we can accomplish what may have appeared impossible previously. The longest journey begins with the first step and if we can summon up the courage to take that step and rely upon our resilience to get back on track after we get knocked off the path anything is possible. We are all capable of greatness and far more than we think we are. We just need to summon up the confidence and courage to take that first step and let the law of inertia guide us to the finish line. Taking action is the key to making a plan reality.
To find the confidence and courage to take massive action toward making your plans a reality consider coaching. To find out how a coaach can help you give me a call at 703 445-3133. you will be glad that you did.
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