Today's #leadership quote
"Commitment separates those who live their dreams from those who live their lives regretting the opportunities they have squandered."-- Bill Russell
It is not enough simply to dream big dreams. Achieving our dreams requires taking massive action in the direction of achieving them. It requires courage to begin a journey when we are uncertain of the outcome and when we need to overcome our self doubts and limiting beliefs. It also requires resilience to stay the course despite the many challenges that we will inevitably face throughout the journey. It requires persistence to keep at it when it would be far easier to throw in the towel. It requires the humility to admit when we are stuck and seek assistance or guidance from others. It requires having the vision to lay out a plan. It requires the confidence and strength of will to stick to the plan and the flexibility to adapt when necessary. It requires both a sense of urgency and patience when progress takes time. It requires the confidence to continue through failures. The path is difficult but the destination is worth the effort. So dream big but take bigger action. The reward is great.
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