Today's #leadership quote
“Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.”– Dennis P. Kimbro
As I was putting together a presentation on the power of positivity and the importance of a positive mindset I came across this quote by Dennis Kimbro an author of What Makes the Great Great. This quote talks about one of my favorite topics. We cannot control what happens to us but we can control how we choose to respond to what happens. When the pandemic struck there were many business owners who got stuck and bemoaned the situation ultimately destining their business for failure. They blamed the situation and assumed little if no accountability for the failure. At the same time there were others often in similar industries that looked at the situation made courageous decisions to alter their trajectory and not only saved their business but took them to new heights. Both groups had the same opportunity but only one chose the proactive approach. Often it is as simple as changing our perception of the challenge. What if instead of believing that something happened to us, we assume that it happened for us. A one word change that makes all the difference. If it happened for us we will then concentrate on how to capitalize on our good fortune. Instead of saying I can't ask How can I and immediately our outlook changes. It is our choice how we react. Choose positivity and the events that derail us are only a speed bump. Choose the other path and they become an impassable obstacle. Which path will you choose?
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