Today's #leadership quote
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
In most cases when we communicate with other people we use our normal communication style and communicate in the manner that we would prefer to be communicated in. It could be laziness or more likely because we learned the golden rule as children and are attempting to live according to it. So if we communicate to others as we wish to communicated with, we are following the golden rule. Unfortunately because every individual is unique, and has their own natural behavior style, when we communicate using our natural style we don't really connect with 75% of those we are attempting to influence. In reality we need to flip the script on the golden rule and communicate to others as they wish to be communicated to. Accomplishing that requires more effort, empathy for the other person, and the willingness to adjust our style to be more effective. The reward for making that sacrifice is deeper relationships and more effective communication. When we are willing to meet people where they are we have the ability to influence and inspire them to action. Being willing to adapt our style we can have the impact we desire
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