Today's #leadership quote
"You must play boldly to win." Arnold Palmer
I saw this quote and while the reference was to playing golf it is true about every aspect of life as well. If you don't have courage to take risks and overcome the fear of failure you will never achieve what you are capable of. If you are afraid to invite someone to buy your product or service, you will not have a successful business. More importantly you will deny others who need your help from getting it. If you were afraid to invite someone on a date you would never get the opportunity to discover love. Success in life requires taking risks. If we make money and hide it under a mattress for safe keeping it loses value over time. Iff we are afraid to pursue our passion we relegate ourselves to an unfulfilled life. Taking risks and moving forward despite the risk is what enables us to grow and discover our true potential . When you look back on your life to date you can observe that every time you accomplished something of value required you to step out of your comfort zone. Be bold, take risks, create momentum, and continue to improve and grow. You will be amazed by what you can accomplish.
If you are looking to grow your business, a coach is a wise investment. I will help you unleash the greatness within you to creat e the business you have dared to dream about. Give me a call if you are interesting in exploring what is possible. You will not be sorry.
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