Today's #leadership quote
“If you think you know everything, there's nothing else to learn, until you don't know everything.”
― Coach Bridget Burns
Each of us is a work in progress and each day provides us with the opportunity for growth. We can choose to either be open to continuous improvement or be content with our current levels of skills and knowledge. We all should attempt to surround ourselves with people who are more accomplished than us and seek to learn what made them so. If we open ourselves up to change and approach our lives with a sense of curiosity seeking first to understand then to be understood we can achieve that which we desire. If instead we choose to believe that we are the biggest fish in the pond, we will become judgemental and dramatically limit our potential for growth. None of us should be intimidated by people with better resumes or accomplishments. Instead we should learn from them, adapt what we want and progress forward to our own goals on our own timeline. If we look at each day as an opportunity to grow imagine what we can become after a year, a decade, or a lifetime. Success leaves clues so take advantage and surround yourself with positive successful people. You will be amazed at what you learn and what you are capable of.
Working with a coach can open you up to new possibilites and accelerate the growth of your business. To find out how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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