Today's #leadership quote
“It’s a funny thing about life, once you begin to take note of the things you are grateful for, you begin to lose sight of the things that you lack.” Germany Kent
I figured that I would start Thanksgiving week with a quote about gratitude. It is natural to want more. That is what drives us to dream and to ultimately achieve things that we are capable of but might not have thought possible. If however, we become so fixated on the things that we don't have that we fail to appreciate those that we do we won't ever be satisfied and likely be unfulfilled. There will always be more to wish for. There will be people who have achieved more, or have been blessed with better looks or more intelligence. There will be people with more physical talent or those who seemingly have the perfect family. If we live our life regretting what we have not and wishing for the good fortunes of others we may miss what we actually do have. All of us are blessed with greatness we need only to discover our purpose and live to that. If we stop daily to recognize all that we have been given or achieved, we will put ourselves on the path to achieving more. In addition, we will note all that we have accomplished and be truly thankful for the gifts we have received.
Working with a coach will help you appreciate allt that you have accomplished and position you for greater achievement in the future. If you want to learn how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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