Today's # Leadership quotes
"Never give up...never ever give up"
"Never give up! Failure and rejection are only the first step to succeeding."Jim Valvano
I was watching the V Classic basketball game late last night and once again had the privilege of watching Jim Valvano give his speech as he was given an award at the Espy's. If you have never heard the speech you should absolutely google it and listen and even if you have heard it previously hearing it again will still move you emotionally. Despite being stricken with cancer he continued to fight and advocate for donations. He died several months after that speech but the foundation he and ESPN established has since collected over $250million dollars to fund cancer research. The message that he delivers in the quotes above is one that all should embrace. Failure and challenges will arise in all our lives. As long as we continue to move forward and pick ourselves up off the floor to continue the fight time and time again if necessary we can accomplish anything we want. There are very few successful people who have not failed multiple times on their path. Don't be discouraged, learn from the failure and continue to grow and push forward. The reward for resilience and persistence will be great
A good coach will help you get back in the game overcoming the challenges and obstacles that we will all inevitably face. To find out what you are capable of and reach new heights in your business give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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