Today's #leadership quote
“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” ―Charles Dickens
For far too many this has been a very difficult year. Coupling a worldwide pandemic with social unrest, a contentious election and the inability to comfortably do normal ordinary tasks has created challenges for vast numbers of people. Many have lost their job and many others are looking at an uncertain future. Now during this season of giving it is a great time to reach out to family members and friends who have suffered or are challenged by their current circumstances. As we go through the Christmas buying season consider supporting local small businesses rather than buying on line. If we band together to support our communities we will improve relationships and help to ensure the viability of the community as a whole. If we experience hardships, our support will come from the community rather than Amazon or some equally anonymous large chain. Look for opportunities to assist those less fortunate who are just hoping for food for the holidays rather than receiving gifts from Santa. If we take the time and the energy to reach out and help others in need we can make a huge difference and as a byproduct feel much better in the process. .
A good coach can help to lighten the burden that you carry as an entrepreneur. To find out how give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did
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