Today's #leadership quote
“I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” ―Maya Angelou
Continuing the theme of giving this morning I found this quote noteworthy. Giving makes an impact on not only the lives of the recipient (which is great) but it also makes a profound impact on the giver. The helpers high that you receive physically may only last for a couple of hours until the endorphins wear off but the psychological benefits last far longer. The boost to your confidence and self esteem provide a lasting effect that lasts far longer. By serving others we feel enhanced which incents us to double down and give again. The real beauty is that others who are merely witnesses to the event also get the endorphin rush and often are moved to perform their own act of charity. I remember watching the Jerry Lewis telethon as a kid and the sense of pride that I felt when we cobbled together our pennies and called in to donate. We did so because we were touched by the stories of other donations. When we start to give freely we become like the pebble on the pond and our impact sends ripples that inspire others to act as well. The gift does not need to be monetary it could be just a smile or a random act of kindness. Give today the world needs it and so do you
To discover how to magnify your impact and change the world one small piece at a time give me a call at 703 445-3133. You will be glad that you did.
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